Plan de Trabajo e Informes Anuales

GIFT Budget – 2018

GIFT Budget – 2018

This document provides the summary of the GIFT Budget in 2018.

Strategy Note for the new phase of GIFT 2018 – 2021

Strategy Note for the new phase of GIFT 2018 – 2021

This is an executive version of the core strategy for GIFT’s main activities from 2018 to 2021.

GIFT Workplan – 2018

GIFT Workplan – 2018

The GIFT coordination team proposed to continue working on the several work streams during 2018.

Letter to Stewards – Juan Pablo Guerrero, GIFT Network Director – June 11, 2018

Letter to Stewards – Juan Pablo Guerrero, GIFT Network Director – June 11, 2018

Letter to GIFT Stewards with information that General Directorate of the National Public Budget of the Ministry of the Treasury…

GIFT Report of Activities 2018 PDF VIDEO

GIFT Report of Activities 2018 PDF VIDEO

This document provides an account of the activities of GIFT in the period January-December 2018. It has been prepared as…

Highlights of semi-annual plans

Highlights of semi-annual plans

Three important happenings should be outlined in the last year of GIFT activities: growth of membership, significant changes in the…

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Iniciativa Global para la Transparencia Fiscal
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