Episode 4 – Innovations in using budget analysis to inform decision making for SDGs

FULL #Finance4SDGs Webinar Series —> http://bit.ly/SDGsWebinars If we are looking to achieve the SDGs, we need to think big, bold and different. We need to consider the opportunities that present technologies and innovations around the world provide for the development of better budgets, including service delivery, and fiscal policies, as well as the needs of the future in mind. The Policy Priorities Inference (PPI) computational framework being developed in the Alan Turing Institute, builds on a behavioral model of the policymaking process, including the learning process of public officials, coordination problems, incomplete information, and imperfect monitoring mechanisms. PPI simulates the complex and uncertain dynamics observed in development-indicator data. If governments provide a detailed account of their allocations at the level of each development indicator, PPI can be tuned to match expenditure patterns.

Previous Episode 3 – Why is SDG budgeting important for civil society and academia?