Juan Pablo


Network Director

Juan Pablo Guerrero is GIFT network director since 2014. He has over 30 years of international development experience, focusing on reforming and strengthening public financial management governance systems in all regions of the world, promoting more open, inclusive budget institutions aimed at government responsiveness and shared prosperity. He was a founding Commissioner of the Federal Institute for Access to Information & Data Protection in Mexico (2002-2009), where he subsequently was the Secretary General (2013-14). Between 2009 and 2013, he was the manager of the Mentoring Governments Program for Fiscal Openness and Participation at the International Budget Partnership. Before 2003, he was a university professor at the CIDE (Center for Research & Teaching in Economics) in Mexico (1994-2003) specialized in public administration reform for accountability, professionalization, anticorruption and transparency. He started his career as a news reporter and correspondent in Washington & Paris, where he studied master and PhD programs in public policy (SAIS-Johns Hopkins University and Sciences-Po).

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Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency
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