

GIFT Network Manager

With Economics degrees obtained from the University of South Africa, Raquel Ferreira gained vast experience working in the South African public sector from 2002 to 2019, firstly in the central bank providing analyses on public finances for monetary policy authorities and then in the heart of public finance and government budgets, in the Budget Office of the National Treasury of South Africa. She held senior positions in the Budget Office, including heading up the Expenditure Planning Chief Directorate that is responsible for researching, strategizing, designing, and implementing the national government’s budget processes as well as for the production of its budget expenditure legislation and documentation. The Unit is also responsible for South Africa’s budget reform program. From 2020, Raquel has utilized this experience to work as a Senior Technical Advisor. Within this role, among others, she is the Course Coordinator for the Advancing Fiscal Transparency for Development online course, and co-authored the Guide on Advancing Fiscal Transparency for Development. Raquel Ferreira is also a short-term expert on the International Monetary Fund’s roster of technical experts in Public Financial Management, having provided training and technical assistance to several countries in this role.

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Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency
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