Newsletter 31 – Nov 2018

Money Matters: Public Finance & Social Accountability for Human Capital Forum, GPSA’s Global Partners Forum
October 30 – November 1
GIFT collaborated with the World Bank Human Capital Project, the International Budget Partnership and the Global Partnership for Social Accountability, to co-organize this year’s World Bank GPSA Global Forum. Public finance, social accountability and human capital were the center of the discussions at the Forum. The main goal was to better understand how countries can use their public finances to invest more and better in health and education for their citizens. Moreover, based on the notion that the quality of public services can be improved by disclosing information that responds to the needs of information users and by engaging the public in the delivery process, the role citizens and society organizations can play, working with governments and other actors was also extensively discussed.

Read Juan Pablo Guerrero’s blogpost summarizing and reflecting on the 2018 GPSA’s Global Partners Forum,
Dilemmas and other consideration for building human capital.

And also look at
Invest your money in your people, five top takeaways from GPSA forum, by Yeukai Mukorombindo.

Discussing GIFT’s Public Participation Principles at Participatory Budgeting Forum in the State of Mexico, Mexico
November 8

GIFT network director participated in the discussions on Participatory Budgeting in the city of Toluca, State of Mexico, in the framework of a new state government seeking to build better institutions to inform, engage and empower citizens for an honest and effective use of public resources. At the international forum Participatory Budget, The People’s Budget, organized by the Ministry of Finances of the State Government, the GIFT Public Participation Principles were presented and discussed, along with concrete examples from the GIFT’s Guide on Public Participation Principles and Mechanisms in Fiscal Policy, as references for the regulation needed to advance participatory budget experiences in the State of Mexico.

GIFT at the Regional Seminar “Open Government for the Francophone African Countries”, Tunis
November 23

Aicha Karafi, former budget director at the Tunisian Ministry of Finance, represented GIFT at the Regional Seminar “Open Government for the Francophone African Countries”, as part of the budget and financial transparency sessions. During these sessions, participants showed an interest on learning about concrete modes and examples of participation for citizen monitoring of public finances. Cécile Le Guen, from DatActivist, and l’Agence Française de Développement, were in charge of this successful event for Francophone Africa. GIFT will continue engaging with this initiative in the future.

Juan Pablo Guerrero, Why is social accountability so critical for improving investments on human capital” 1 minute clip.

Communicating the budget. How to promote the use of budget information.
Learn about the experiences of Russia and Indonesia in their efforts to communicate the budget data in innovative and creative ways that are relevant for potential users and in easily accessible language and formats, and how governments are working in collaboration with civil society to design and implement effective communication policies that consider the interests and characteristics of potential users, through the use of social media and other digital tools.

Building a strong budget open data
Based on the experience of GIFT Lead Steward, the Mexican Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, and complemented with the perspectives of GIFT Steward, the Latin American Open Data Initiative (ILDA) this webinar addresses the fundamental questions when planning an open data policy. Where to start? What resources need to be considered? How to monitor and improve your budget open data policy? How to promote the use of the budget open data?
New Fiscal Transparency Portal in El Salvador

El Salvador’s Ministry of Finance launched a new fiscal transparency portal. This new and improved version was created with the user in mind, including useful information on revenue, expenditures, debt and subnational transfers, all with visualizations and open data. We thank the Ministry for allowing GIFT to be part of this important step for fiscal transparency. Check it out!



In an effort to facilitate transparency initiatives through peer-exchange, a Nigerian delegation will be visiting our Stewards in South Africa to learn from their experience in promoting fiscal transparency and participation hand in hand with civil society, through a user-centered approach with digital tools.

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