Mrs. Aicha


Officer for Francophone and MENA Countries

She counts with a long-time and successful career at the Tunisian Ministry of Finance where she has held positions with important responsibilities from monitoring, to audits, studies and reforms, including being the Director General for the unit of large public enterprises. More recently, she was Director General in charge of the Central Office for IT methodology and organizations as well as regional coordination at the MoF. In her capacity, Aicha Karafi has also administered several training courses related to audits, fiscal management and public finances in prestigious institutions such as The School for Public Administration (ENA) and the National Judicial Institute. Mrs. Karafi is also an active civil society member and President of the Local Governance Association. She holds several degrees including a Bachelor from the Institute of Higher Commercial Studies (IHEC) and a masters from ENA.
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Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency
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