

Coordinator for Knowledge, Technical Assistance and Collaboration

She has vast experience in government openness aimed at improving public management, specifically through innovation, transparency and public participation. From the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico, she promoted the improvement of the Open Budget Index, implemented the contracting and open fiscal standards, as well as the platforms for extractive industries, infrastructure, and delivery of state aid and subsidies, among others. She has supported Ministries of Finance at different levels of government and collaborated with international institutions such as the UN, Transparency International , and the OAS, as well as worked with different civil society organizations. She is a political scientist and internationalist who holds a Master’s in Public Administration from Columbia University. She has received academic distinctions for the use of quantitative and qualitative methods in the social and economic sciences, and she is the recipient of the Integrity Icon México distinction, for a career with integrity in the public service.
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Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency
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