Episode 2 – How are countries budgeting for SDGs – Experiences from the field

FULL #Finance4SDGs Webinar Series —> http://bit.ly/SDGsWebinars This webinar presented different methodological approaches that countries are using to link the budget with the SDGs, including considerations of the dissimilar progress and challenging contexts. With that context, two cases of linking the budget with SDGs were presented by the experts in charge of the implementation. The first one is the case of Nepal (TBC), which has developed a form of informing prioritization of budget decisions towards the SDGs. The second one is the case of Mexico, which is considered to be a pioneer in the comprehensive implementation of SDG tagging of the budget and linking with performance indicators. • Lorena Rivero- Manager for Technical Cooperation and Collaboration, GIFT. • Suren Poghosyan, International Public Financial Management Specialist at UNDP. • Ramón Narvaez- WHT Scholar, University of Oxford. Former Deputy Director of Performance Monitoring in the Ministry of Finance of Mexico.

Previous Newsletter 39 – Jul 2019