How We Work

The Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT) is a global network that facilitates dialogue between its stewards and partners from governments, civil society organizations, international financial institutions and other stakeholders to find and share solutions to challenges in fiscal transparency and participation. It works through advocacy and high-level dialogue, peer-learning and technical collaboration, research, and tech for participation.

Peer Learning
Knowledge And Experience Sharing
Tech For Participation


GIFT works to harmonize the normative architecture of fiscal transparency norms and standards, for example by launching the GIFT High-level Principles of Fiscal Transparency, Participation and Accountability  (recognised by the United Nations), and the Guide on Principles and Mechanisms of Public Participation in Fiscal Policies, with the goal of promoting public participation in the budget process.

Peer Learning

GIFT facilitates workshops for peers from around the world to share experiences and solutions, promoting dialogue between budget officials and civil society. For example, in the framework of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), GIFT provides technical cooperation for the adoption and implementation of OGP fiscal transparency commitments.

Knowledge And Experience Sharing

GIFT’s evidence-based research documents the impact of fiscal transparency and participation to gain a comprehensive understanding, and to share knowledge and practical experience in accessible formats that are implementation ready. Examples include a thorough review of the evidence of the impact of fiscal transparency  as well as of the  lessons of public participation in the budget cycle. From research, knowledge and sharing of experiences, GIFT published the Fiscal Data for Emergency Response: Guide for COVID-19 (2020).

Tech For Participation

GIFT facilitates the use of technology for open and inclusive fiscal processes, for example by supporting countries launching fiscal portals and by developing tools like the Open Fiscal Data Schema for ease of publication, visualization and analysis of budget data, as well as the Tutorial on Fiscal Transparency Portals.

For information on how to engage with GIFT, the Lead Stewards and/or the GIFT streams of work, please contact us through Juan Pablo Guerrero ( or write to


Stay informed about GIFT’s work by signing up to our NEWSLETTER or following us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

GIFT Network Meetings’ Materials

Strategy 20-22 / GIFT’s Four Projects to Foster Impact

Copyright 2021
Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency
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