Advancing fiscal transparency and inclusive public participation in global norms and at country level
Platform for coherence of normative architecture on fiscal transparency and inclusive public participation, including revenue policies
The GIFT Network provides opportunities, services and structured paths for reaching fiscal transparency goals that would otherwise likely be well out of reach for member countries. Network members effectively engage in peer learning, and in advising and supporting each other on the implementation of specific transparency, accountability and public engagement practices. The GIFT Coordinating Team provides support to the network in many ways, including planning and convening the Network’s peer learning activities and technical collaboration meetings, facilitating the drafting and approval of international norms for countries’ fiscal operations, and providing technological platforms for making fiscal actions available for public view. Major international donor organizations have found GIFT to be an invaluable partner in achieving their own institutional fiscal transparency goals, relying on the network to motivate and support countries in their efforts to comply with international norms.
GIFT currently pursues three impact workstreams based on the most successful areas of impact of the Network, to help countries produce and publish meaningful information on the sources and uses of public resources for inclusive and accountable public finance, to promote its use for more equitable and sustainable development and for reaching fiscal accountability goals that would otherwise be out of reach for member countries.
The following provides an overview of these workstreams, relevant outputs and initiatives of the Network.
Advancing fiscal transparency and inclusive public participation in global norms and at country level
Platform for coherence of normative architecture on fiscal transparency and inclusive public participation, including revenue policies
Technical collaboration and peer learning for meaningful openness
Facilitating country-level support and effective dialogue between and among budget officials and civil society through harnessing fiscal openness experiences, practical tools and innovations
Network building towards greater impact
Consolidating GIFT as an action network comprised of fiscal transparency champions