Newsletter 30 – Oct 2018

GIFT Stewards Meeting. Cascais, Portugal
October 17
This years’ General Stewards Meeting was hosted by the Municipality of Cascais, Portugal, one of the winners of the GIFT Public Participation Award of 2017. During the meeting three main issues for the Network were addressed: 1) analysis of the progress of each country part represented regarding global measurements of fiscal transparency; 2) the presentation of the process for the International Budget Partnership – GIFT pilots of public participation in the budget process and 3) changes in the Network operating rules and procedures derived from the Lead Stewards meetings, which have implications on the Steward’s interaction and engagement.

A salient result of the meeting was the support given by the
GIFT General Stewards Meeting to the changes to the Operating Rules. These changes establish that all members will present a set of concrete and measurable commitments to improve fiscal transparency and participation, with the engagement to report back periodically on progress to GIFT The network members will continue to encourage and support each other by peer learning and technical collaboration. Raising the bar for the GIFT members in their fiscal transparency and participation objectives, represents a timely and relevant evolution for a network that is moving strongly towards becoming a group of fiscal transparency champions, willing to work together in continuously advancing our agenda and leading by example.

Check out the Meeting’s report

PEMPAL-GIFT Learning Visit on Public Participation. Cascais, Portugal
October 16-17

This year the PEMPAL and GIFT communities gathered to learn more about different approaches to public participation in the budget cycle. During these peer-learning sessions, countries shared their experiences on implementing budget literacy projects; participatory budgeting, going from the local level to the national level; some specific experiences with participation on the establishment of budget ceilings (Kyrgyz Republic) and implementing participation in local planning of national transfers (Uruguay), as well as setting up digital tools to enhance public participation.

Browse the different experiences presented
during the learning sessions.

Smart Citizenship Academy. Cascais, Portugal
October 10-13

In the course of four days the Smart Citizenship Academy “School of Participation” took place in the brand new Carcavelos Campus of Nova School of Business & Economics University, a partner of Cascais municipality for this program. With specialists from around the world, this first edition of the course presented different examples of Participatory Budget around the world as well as its trends and evolution, with an in-depth analysis of the process and mechanisms of the Particpatory Budget of Cascais. Break-out groups also worked in proposing ways to engage the youth in participation mechanisms, as well as setting up indicators for Participatory Budgets.

The course had students working on-site to reflect the workshop in cartoons. You can see the results below:

2018 World Bank and International Monetary Fund Meeting in Bali, Indonesia and the Launch of the new Human Capital Index
October 8-14

The Development Committee stressed on the critical importance of building human capital. To help countries make more effective investments on people, the World Bank Groups launched the new Human Capital Index at the meetings, as part of a global Human Capital Project that support long-term, measurable progress toward better outcome in education, health, nutrition and social protection. The Human Capital Index quantifies the contribution of health and education to the productivity of the next generation of workers. Countries can use it to assess how much income they are foregoing because of human capital gaps, and how much faster they can turn these losses into gains if they act now.

Public Sector Economics conference in Zagreb, Croatia
October 26

The Institute of Public Finance in cooperation with the International Budget Partnership, GIFT Steward and Lead Steward, respectively, and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung organized the annual Public Sector Economics conference dedicated to fiscal transparency, citizen participation in fiscal processes and government accountability. The conference, Fiscal Openness: Transparency, Participation and Accountability in Fiscal Policies addressed the current state and trends in fiscal openness at both national and sub-national levels. The main goal of the conference was to initiate and encourage discussions among scientists, public sector experts and general public to address the contemporary challenges faced by the public sector and foster more effective and efficient ways of collecting, allocating and spending public resources.

The World Bank introduces the online guide to the World Development Indicators: A new way to discover data on development

To compile the World Development Indicators (WDI), the World Bank draws from officially recognized sources and including national, regional, and global estimates, the WDI provides access to almost 1,600 indicators for 217 economies, with some time series extending back more than 50 years . An annual World Development Indicators report was available in print or PDF format until last year. This year, the World Development Indicators website has been introduced. This is “a new discovery tool and storytelling platform for our data which takes users behind the scenes with information about data coverage, curation, and methodologies. The goal is to provide a useful, easily accessible guide to the database and make it easy for users to discover what type of indicators are available, how they’re collected, and how they can be visualized to analyze development trends.” (The DATABlog)


The Accountability research Center webpage is one year old!
Help celebrate with them and take a look at this resource site!
Global Partnership for Social Accountability Forum 2018- Money Matters: Public Finance and Social Accountability for Human Capital
October 30 – November 1

The 2018 Global Partners Forum of the Global Partnership for Social Accountability of the World Bank is organized in collaboration with the International Budget Partnership and the GIFT network. Great discussions are expected on Money matters for human capital improvement, impactful public service delivery, good schools and reliable health services depend on public finance transparency, social accountability and citizen participation. the Global Partners Forum. Stay tuned: #GPSAForum, #SocialAcc #PublicFinance,

Webinar- Communicating the budget. How to promote the use of budget information
Nov. 7 at 9:00 EST
In this webinar, participants will learn from the experience of Russia, Georgia and Indonesia, where GIFT partners have developed strong communication strategies to make the budget data and process, and the accountability cycle understandable and meaningful for citizens. Relevant experiences to bring budget information to the public will also be explored, such as the communication strategy that the Public Expenditure Management Peer Assisted Learning network has developed to assist budget authorities in Central Asia and Central and Eastern Europe to publish and communicate fiscal and budget information in ways that are relevant for citizens.

Presenters: Anna Belenchuck, Ministry of Finance, Russia/ Public Expenditure Management Peer Assisted Learning Network (PEMPAL), Natia Gulua, Ministry of Finance, Georgia [TBC] and Wawan Sunarjo, Ministry of Finance, Indonesia.

You can help start the conversation, by advancing your questions to our amazing presenters via Twitter @fiscaltrans.

Join the webinar
Available now in SPANISH: GIFT Guide on Public Participation in Fiscal Transparency Principles and Mechanisms!
Public Participation cases from around the world!

Webinar- Building fiscal transparency portals
This webinar addresses the experiences of Brazil and South Africa in building fiscal transparency portals that respond to users needs and preferences. Otávio Neves, Secretariat of Transparency and Corruption Prevention, Brazil shares their experiences in revamping their fiscal transparency portal, which was first launched in 2004, and presents its main features, while discussing the logic that guided this effort. Carmela Zigoni from the Institute for Socioeconomic Studies (INESC) takes stock of the improvements in the new portal, as well as the trade-offs involved, and reflects on the steps that still need to be taken to involve data beneficiaries and users. To learn from the South Africa experience, Raquel Ferreira from the National Treasury and Zukiswa Kota from Public Service Accountability Monitor (PSAM) present the development of a unique collaboration between the Treasury and a group of CSOs to develop a portal that makes budget data accessible, user-friendly and empowering. Ferreira and Kota stress the need for adaptability in this process that requires trust and a deep understanding between civil society and government.

Previous GIFT Operating Procedures