Who we are
20-22 Strategy

Network of ministries of finance, civil society organizations, international financial institutions coming together to produce meaningful information on

the sources and uses of public resources for inclusive and accountable public finance to promote more equitable and sustainable development.

GIFT Lead Stewards have taken stock of its founding period and now is moving to consolidate a Network of champions on fiscal openness that encourages trust and sustainable development.

In the next phase, GIFT will reinforce our focus on impact and support governments and civil society organizations Stewards to reach more ambitious and lasting gains on fiscal openness.

How we will

foster impact

The GIFT coordination team has put together FOUR PROJECTS based on the most successful areas of impact of the GIFT network, to help countries produce and publish meaningful information on the sources and uses of public resources for inclusive and accountable public finance, to promote its use for more equitable and sustainable development and for reaching fiscal accountability goals that would otherwise be out of reach for member countries.

Project 1

A) Peer-collaboration and technical assistance for Stewards

     – GIFT Network Meetings’ Materials

B) Fiscal Openness Massive Open Online Course

C) Targeted technical assistance
     – Public Financial Management for Sustainable Development

     – GIFT Webinar Season 2

     – GIFT network has been selected as one of the groups to advance Open Government Partnership (OGP) thematic priorities and supporting participation and co-creation through the Multi Donor Trust Fund.

FISCAL OPENNESS ACCELERATOR PROJECT Promoting and incubating Inclusive Public Participation along the Budget cycle

Project 2

Fiscal Openness Accelerator (FOA) Project

The main objective of the FOA project is to establish effective mechanisms to allow public participation in fiscal processes at national level in Benin, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal and South Africa, through peer learning, knowledge-sharing and technical collaboration.

Project 3

A) Fiscal Open Data Services
    -Open Fiscal Data Package

B) Good Internal Systems for Good External Publication

C) Tutorial to develop user-centered fiscal transparency portals
     – Fiscal Transparency Portal Tutorials – User-Centered Development

D) Fiscal Data for Emergency Response: Guide for COVID-19
     – 15 datasets, time series and more

Project 4

User-Engagement Initiatives

A) #DataOnTheStreets International Rally and #DataRallyFromHome- coalitions towards better public investments management

B) #BetterBudget Dataquest for Sustainable Development + COVID-19 – coalitions towards better public financial management

Copyright 2021
Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency
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