The Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT) is a global network that facilitates dialogue between its stewards and partners from governments, civil society organizations, international financial institutions and other stakeholders to find and share solutions to challenges in fiscal transparency and participation.

It works through advocacy and high-level dialogue, peer-learning and technical collaboration, research, and tech for participation. Download this leaflet for an overview of GIFT’s  multi-stakeholder action network approach together with  a complete list of stakeholders.

GIFT is currently hosted by the International Budget Partnership, a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the District of Columbia (“Grantee”) and operated for charitable, educational and/or scientific purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code. Therefore, all coordination and administrative functions of GIFT must comply with IBP’s financial and administrative policies and procedures.

Download GIFT's Operating Procedures



The Lead Stewards are responsible for leading the Network and working closely with GIFT ‘s Network Director and Coordination Team.



The General Stewards are responsible for working and collaborating closely with GIFT’s Network Director and Coordination Team.

Copyright 2021
Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency
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