
GIFT at the Launch of Argentina’s 3rd OGP National Action Plan

On July 26, GIFT participated in the launching of Argentina’s 3rd OGP National Action Plan. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Modernization (Office of the President), the Plan includes 44 commitments –33 national level and 11 subnational—involving 28 government agencies from the national Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches, as well as the internal and external control bodies. The Plan, which was co-created along with 54 civil society organizations, contains significant fiscal transparency commitments, such as generating budget and national accounts analysis capacities among specific audiences, by using dissemination channels and creating education materials. The National Action Plan refers to the GIFT Principles in two ambitious fiscal transparency commitments. One is related to an accessible and friendly budget transparency portal and the second one refers to engaging different communities in understanding and using budget information.

Check out the NAP (in Spanish) here:

Budgeting for #SDG. Mexico shares how

Mexico’s Sustainable Development Goals Specialized Technical Committee, led by the Office of the Presidency and the National Institute of Statistics and Geography is innovating in the effort to budget for sustainable development. The Committee developed a framework aimed at integrating planning, public finance management, policymaking, and oversight to achieve the SDGs. Using a Results-based Management perspective, specific budget items that contribute to progress on the SDGs are identified and steamed down to specific investments. Find out more in this IBP’s blog post by Transparencia Presupuestaria of the Mexican Treasury, a GIFT Steward.

Read more here: Investing For Sustainable Development: How Does Mexico Invest in the Sustainable Development Goals

The Treasury of the UK implements new financial transparency measures

We are happy to announce that GIFT will start working more closely with the HM Treasury of the United Kingdom. The HM Treasury has been one of the first countries to undergo a Fiscal Transparency Evaluation (FTE) as practiced by the International Monetary Fund. The report assesses fiscal transparency practices in the United Kingdom in relation to the requirements of the IMF’s new Fiscal Transparency Code (FTC). Reading the report allows to get acquainted with the FTE methodology, while learning about the state of public finances in the assessed country. Across all pillars evaluated in the Code, the UK scores very highly. Of the 48 principles in the Code, the UK meets 9 principles at the basic level, 10 principles at the good level, and an unprecedented 23 principles at the advanced level. Fiscal transparency practices are strongest in the area of fiscal reporting and resource revenue management, while, on a relative basis, the UK also scores strongly on fiscal risks. In four principles, the UK’s transparency practices do not currently meet basic practice. The report identifies the areas where further improvement of the level of transparency should be made in the UK.

Find the report here:

Fiscal transparency innovations at France’s Department of Modernization

GIFT will also start collaborating more closely to the French government in areas of fiscal transparency. The General Secretariat for the Modernization of Public Action, attached to the Prime Minister, has been innovating in fiscal transparency, in areas where other countries have also been exploring and testing. An area addressed with an innovative approach refers to the evaluations of public services. For instance, they have developed a methodology of open citizen participation to evaluate the quality of health services. An example of citizens surveys regarding data on health is here:

Another state-of-the-art development refers to the possibility of citizens to know their comparative stands before the government with regards to tax charges and entitlements, through the OpenFisca. Find out more here:


A blog on Learning from each other in fiscal transparency experiences

The GIFT network has invested strongly in peer-to-peer learning activities since 2014, facilitating the exchange of experiences and technical expertise, mainly in the framework of the Fiscal Openness Working Group (FOWG) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP). The network constantly organizes workshops and meetings, in which budget officials and follow-the-money civil society organizations interact, and exchange practical methods. Since 2014, the network has been working with more than 40 countries to establish ambitious fiscal transparency commitments, as well as to improve implementation efforts. You can learn more about the main activities focused on this stream work of the network here

Read the full post

Don’t forget to #ShareYourStory on Public Participation in Fiscal Policy!
GIFT is looking for experiences that can tell a compelling story of viable approaches of how governments around the world are integrating the voice of citizens in the way public resources are raised and spent. Submit your story by August 25th! Find information on the Public Participation in Fiscal Policy and Budget Making GIFT Award here.

If your practice is selected, you will be invited to present it at the Fiscal Openness Working Group panel during the Open Government Partnership Regional Summit, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 21 & 22, 2017! (
GIFT will cover expenses, including airfare, lodging, meals and local transportation) for the person responsible for presenting the submission). Your piece will also be included as a mechanism of the Guide on Public Participation in Fiscal Policy Principles and Mechanisms (GIFT team will adjust or complete drafting to comply with the Guide’s format and standard); and it will be documented, including video interview and communication materials, to be disseminated worldwide through the GIFT network and network alliances.

¿Qué está sucediendo alrededor del mundo en materia de participación púbica?

Javier Garduño
Coordinador del programa de Justicia Fiscal
FUNDAR – Centro de Análisis e investigación (GIFT’s Steward)

Previous Fiscal transparency and public engagement: the role of learning from peers