Reunión de Consejeros Generales de GIFT 2017

Materiales utilizados durante la Reunión de Delegados Generales de GIFT. Washington. 10-11 de octubre de 2017.

Meeting Materials

  • GIFT General Stewards Meeting Minutes. – DOC
  • Annotated Agenda – DOC
  • GIFT Stewards Meeting. Juan Pablo Guerrero, GIFT. – PPT
  • List of participants – DOC
  • Assessment of Peer Learning. Anja Linder, GIFT Consultant. – DOC
  • GIFT: Lessons from Peer Learning. Anja Linder, GIFT Consultant. – PPT
  • Evaluating the Impact of Fiscal Openness Initiatives – Call for proposals for impact evaluations by GIFT members.Paolo de Renzio (IBP). – DOC
  • Strengthening budget transparency and participation. Michael Castro. – DOC
  • Next Steps Framing workshop. Michael Castro. – DOC
  • Corruption Book Executive Summary. ICEFI. – PDF
  • Corruption Book Presentation. ICEFI. – PDF
  • Corruption Book Press Release. ICEFI. – PDF
  • Fighting Corruption in the Federal Expenditure Budget. Fundar. – DOC
  • GIFT High-Level Principles: Draft Expanded Version presentation. Murray Petrie, GIFT. – PPT
  • GIFT High-Level Principles: Draft Expanded Version (Word file). Murray Petrie, GIFT. – DOC
  • CIPFA Public Sector Financial Accountability Index. Vincent Tophoff, IFAC. – PPT
  • Stocktake of PFM Diagnostic Instruments 2016. Lewis Hawke, PEFA Secretariat. – PDF
  • The State of Education in the Netherlands. Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. – PDF
  • Public participation in revenue policy design and implementation Concept Note (draft for discussion). Murray Petrie, GIFT. – PPT
  • Public participation in tax policy: framing the conversation. Murray Petrie, GIFT. – PPT
  • Corruption, Taxes and Compliance. Anja Baum, Sanjeev Gupta, Elijah Kimani, and Jules Sampawende Tapsoba. – PPT
  • SAT más abierto – Fiscal Data Anonymization. Leonardo Arroyo. – PPT
  • Guatemala 2015-2016: a case of tax administration recovery reform lead by civil society. Ricardo Barrientos, ICEFI. – PPT
  • Tax amnesties and reliefs. Access to Information and Tax Secrecy. FUNDAR. – PPT
  • Tax spillover: a new framework. Andrew Baker and Richard Murphy. – PDF
  • Public participation in tax policy and administration. INESC. – PPT
  • Transparency and public disclosure in the WBG’s work on tax. Jim Brumby. World Bank. – PPT
  • Tax Transparency and the Revenue Cycle. Richard Murphy. Professor of Practice in International Political Economy, City, – PPT
  • Public participation in tax policy and administration. A picture of Brazil situation and Inesc’s work. INESC. – DOC
  • Brazil Updates. MauroSantos, Secretaria de Orçamento Federal – SOF Federal Budget Secretariat. – PDF
  • Updates on U.S. Spending Transparency Improvements. Amy B. Edwards. – PPT
  • PROGRESSING FROM BUDGET TRANSPARENCY TO ACCESSIBILITY TO PARTICIPATION – Croatian experience –. Hana Zoričić, Ministry of Finance, Croatia. – PPT
  • Budget Transparency Portal. Janet López, Oficina de Planeamiento y Presupuesto del Uruguay. – PPT
  • Linking data: Unleash the potential. Lorena Rivero del Paso, Mexico’s Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. – PPT
  • Data Connectivity. Lorena Rivero del Paso, Mexico’s Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. – PPT
  • PTE: Economic Transparency Portal. Leonardo Buitrago, Colombia’s Ministry of Finance. – PPT
  • OpenSpending & Fiscal Data Package past, present & future. Diana Krebs & Vitor Baptista, Open Knowledge – PDF
  • Budget administrative classification data: transparency at the public service facility level. Murray Petrie, GIFT. – PPT
Previous Visita de aprendizaje sobre la participación pública en Portugal y el Taller conjunto BLTWG-GIFT